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【會員】中秋佳節 自製月餅 新加坡潮州八邑會館開辦月餅班


  臨近的中秋佳節,國際潮團總會會員新加坡潮州八邑會館攜手Swatow Seafood Restaurant 汕頭海鮮酒家 將於 2021 年 9 月11日下午2時至5時 與黃萬楚主廚開辦潮州五仁月餅製作班,快來加入度過一個愉快的周末下午吧!

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is an important festival for the Chinese. It's a time when family and friends gather as the full moon is also considered a symbol of reunion.

  To welcome this upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival, TPIHK and Swatow seafood restaurant is organising a Teochew five nuts mooncake-making workshop on 11 Sept 2021 (Sat) from 1400hrs to 1700hrs with Chef Wong Cho Man. It will be an amazing afternoon, come join us!

  报名链接 Registration link: https://forms.gle/F8v7qoTc922kWcJW9



